To function up as a forum to share, spread and strengthen the universal values of inclusivity, tolerance, gender sensitivity, equality and empathy for a harmonious society.
We believe that together we can achieve more.
For Students: Encourage healthy interaction and mutual appreciation with opportunities for students to work with each other by mutual cooperation, and learn from the
unique 'me' of one another so as to have a holistic development of their personality. We seek to empower the child to discover the potential within.
For Members: Build a portfolio of creative educators, opportunities and facility centres to exchange powerful ideas, widen skills and educational research.
For Schools: Raise a winning network of schools, together to engage in a mutually enriching endeavour.
For Community: Collaborative Social Action Projects to increase the scalability and impact a wider range of community.
For Learning: Create new knowledge; imbibe best practices and innovate novel pedagogical strategies to provide holistic education.
Pioneering A Futuristic Society: Providing opportunities, bridging the gap between different segments of student population and inculcating the spirit of sharing and caring. Sankalp Sahodaya is paving way to a futuristic society where education is spread in its truest form.